Thursday, January 8, 2009

Unknown future...

What does life have in store for me? Each day that dawns takes me farther along this journey called life, but what does the future hold in store for me?

Will I realize my dreams? Will I continue doing what I like???

A million unanswered questions...

There's so much I want to be... I want to take up new things, yet I can't give up the old... Can I be in two completely different fields at the same time???
Every new thing I take up seems so interesting, I just want to continue in it.. Yet how many fields can I really be in?Each field demands total commitment...

Science, arts, music, languages... Which of these fields am I destined for??? Or will I be able to continue my foray into each of these??

Learning two (similar) languages is supposed to be difficult, yet I think I'm managing pretty well... Will I be a polyglot??

Or will I end up being the scientist I dream of being???

The future remains unknown... Hope there are good things in store...

1 comment:

  1. future is always unknown..what we know is present.So live it !
    Thinking of future,always takes out the life in us. So don't take out that life..Live the present..:)
