Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thoughts from a Meandering Mind

It's blogging time again, finally :)

2010 was off to a great start ( with a movie and friends' wishes ;) )... So far the year has been good (though it's still early in the year)...

One of the good things of the year is the exercise I've been getting - running around to get some work done is a way of working out (though I dont't think it was all necessary, half of it could have been avoided, and I would still have been happy!!)... My hearty thanks to everyone responsible, starting with the non-acad staff who donot tell you what you need to do until the very last minute, when they suddenly tell you that there is a lot to be done, if you want to continue your work!!! And special thanks to the people who are never there when their presence is required... (Why is there a different time table for the staff and the faculty and students? The students and faculty seem to be present all day long, and are easily reachable, while the rest come late (and make up for it by leaving early) with two-hour lunch breaks...) (Did I mention the tea breaks in between??)

Talking of good things, I must mention my friends - the support and advice (though I don't think I'll use it, thanks all the same), the gyaan and the jokes and the cheering up , thank you all for everything.. MK, R, V, A, H,K : thanks!!

And one more thing, I am enjoying the "princess treatment" ;) Thank you folks!!

As usual, I'm rambling :) Emsworth, you have a successor!!

The bad things of 2010?? Well, of course, there have been a few bad moments, but then, what is life without the good and the bad?? And, well, I'm grateful for the bad moments, as they help me appreciate the good moments better...

Oops, I forgot to thank 2 people... Wodehouse, Bill Cosby, thanks for lifting my spirits anytime I'm down!!!

That's all for now ... (relief at last??)
Before I ramble some more, I'll end this post...

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