Monday, February 23, 2009

Thoughts on music

I was reading the paper today, there was an article about a music band, the lead singer of which says that playing the drums and guitar gave him some of the happiest moments of his life... Isn't that true with so many of us? I believe many of us find solace in music - listening to music, singing, or playing an instrument....

I have had the good fortune of trying various avenues - I discovered the joy of playing drums - the power of the rhythm created is simply great... There's something about drum beats, which makes me perk up even when I feel absolutely down in the dumps...

I only wish I can continue playing the drums, devoting time to it, and letting the music take over, ...
As the song goes,
Let it fill my soul and drown my fears,
let it shatter the walls for a new sun"...

I'm lucky, as I get to listen to so many songs, different languages, different styles, a song for every mood & moment...

Life's not always about being in a hurry, we must take time for the little pleasures of life, such as music...

As Ringo Starr's song goes, we must


With this, I'm signing off, with a thought for Ringo, Sivamani and the other great drummers (include Amaral too!!! ) and to all musicians out there, thanks for the work u do, it does wonders for us !!!!

(p.s.: i have rambled on as usual, please don't mind, whoever reads this!!!)

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